Thursday, February 19, 2009

Memoirs of a Movie Stand-in 020

For this episode, I'm going to take a break from talking about the Promised Land television series and, instead, I'll talk about something which happened more recently. Perhaps you heard a lot about actor Christian Bale's bad day on the set of an upcoming Terminator movie. This happened in the summer of 2008. He got upset with the Director of Photography and verbally tore him apart for several minutes. The whole thing was recorded and, just a little while ago, the recording was leaked to the public.

Well, I've witnessed similar incidents on movie sets in the past. No, there wasn't anything quite that intense, but the basic elements of the problem were there. So I decided to comment a little bit and analyze that situation, so that we can all better understand how to avoid such ugly situations in the future. So... it's a practical analysis and some worthwhile advice, if I do say so myself.

Download my podcast episode here...
(Running time 30:38)

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